It's been a good couple weeks at the library. I managed to get a couple things done, and try a couple new things too. First, I helped Jack setup his new laptop with the Library Csharp code I wrote when I first started at the library. Jack wants to move away from writing VB6 code, and start up with .NET, so hopefully the Csharp code helps him out. We managed to install the code's dependencies, and build a few of the applications. We'll see how it goes.
Next, I setup a spreadsheet with Google Apps to illustrate how we could begin tracking library statistics online. I think I'm the only one excited about the idea, but I'll try to get something off the ground in 2011.
Kathie at the Honors College got in touch with me. It looks like we might have our first student submit a honors thesis to our new online collection. Hopefully that comes off without a hitch.
I did a little vufind work - adding a "collection" sub-facet under the "Digital Collections" location facet. Clint and I enabled full-collection browse by simply handling an empty search string as "*:*", and it works surprising well. I went back and patched the vufind import to setup a location facet for government documents, and to index online theses and dissertations as an ETD collection under the "Digital Collections" facet. A full Voyager import to vufind is running on devcat - hopefully that will finish in the next few days. Since I was working on the import tool, I went ahead and added a "delete records" tab to the GUI version.
Finally, today I spent some time setting up a script on Yahoo Pipes that merges several library RSS feeds into a unified feed. I think Clint and Tony like the idea of publishing a unified feed for the library; we'll see what happens.
I'm looking forward to two weeks off over the holiday break. I'll be back in a couple weeks.