Monday and Tuesday were quiet days in cataloging this week as Auburn's Voyager system has been offline for an upgrade to version 7.2.
I finally posted a web-start version of the ebscoX tool on Google Code. I sent the e-mail below to Marliese and the libdev group with the details. I continue to work on the code underlying ebscoX and vygr2vfnd to make the tools easier to use and maintain. I'm also patching vygr2vfnd to directly use the ebscoX MARC-filter code. I hope to release an update to both tools next week.
I've also exchanged a few more e-mails with Rod and Dana at Tuskegee. The basic plan is to setup Tuskegee's Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise server to host a hyper-v Windows virtual machine guest that runs DSpace repository software. Rod is going to verify that their server has the hardware virtualization support that hyper-v requires. Adam and Jon are already helping work things out.
--- Reuben Pasquini 03/15/10 11:29 AM --- Hi Marliese, If you still want to point EBSCO at our Voyager-to-Ebsco export tool, then I finally posted the latest version of the EbscoX export tool to google code: Just click on the "EbscoX" link ( ) to launch the application. I'll try to improve the user interface over the next month or two. The interface is pretty clunky, and the user needs to setup a special properties file with the connection information for his/her Voyager Oracle database. I can help you do that for our database if you want to give it a try. There are brief instructions on the site if they want to download the code. I'll write up something with more details one of these days. Cheers, Reuben
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