I think the new repo server is nearly ready to start accepting Honors College theses this fall. I updated the site to include links to Midge's final liability release form; submitted a couple test records; spoke with Tony about the web design; sent the following e-mail to Kathie at the Honors College, and finally submitted a purchase order for a new SSL certificate for the server. Tony had the good idea to setup a rule that routes http://repo.lib.auburn.edu/honors/ to the collection too.
--- Reuben Pasquini 7/8/2010 4:58 PM --- Hi Kathie! I just want to give you an update on the online collection for honors theses. I think we're on track for a fall release. *. The attached Word document has the final legal disclaimer approved by the lawyers. The form is also online: http://repo.lib.auburn.edu/HonorsLiabilityForm.pdf and http://repo.lib.auburn.edu/HonorsLiabilityForm.doc Let us know if you have questions or see problems. *. The theses collection is at: http://repo.lib.auburn.edu/honors/ You can add that link to the Honors College web site once we go live. We'll remove the 2 test records before then. *. The library web designer, Tony Oravet, plans to update the site design in the next month. Please let us know if you have any requests. *. I'll be out of town July 19 until August 9. Can we plan to meet sometime the week of August 9 to review the site, and to give you some training on how to add a student to the system, and how to review a student's submission ? Monday to Thursday starting 9:30am to 2:00pm is best for me ... I think that's all I wanted to report. What do you think ? Cheers, Reuben
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