Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I checked in an AuCataloging patch that implements regression tests for the ebsco-export tool. The core ebsco-export engine now passes regression tests. I'll slap a UI on ebsco-export tomorrow, and hopefully publish the tool via web-start for Jack to take a look at.

A thread on the Vufind mail list sent me to listen to some screencasts by the Extensible Catalog (xc) developers. It looks to me like XC and VuFind solve similar problems in a similar way. First, both systems have a PHP front end - VuFind builds on a custom Smarty codebase, and XC writes Drupal modules. Second, both systems store their data in MySQL and SOLR. Finally, both systems harvest data from the ILS and other sources. VuFind relies on solrmarc to manage harvesting, while XC developed its own code.

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