Friday, March 26, 2010

2010/03/24-25 Reuben in swap

I'm sort of swapping between a few projects now. First, I need to spend some time on the Institutional Repository server to get it ready for the Ag-paper collection now in scanning.

I want to setup a Nagios server to monitor the health of our various library services. I was reminded of the need for this kind of thing on Thursday when a mod_jk log file maxed out to 2GB brought down. Anyway - I brought up the OpenSolaris virtual machine I was playing with a while ago, and successfully booted a sparse-zone with a MySQL server as a proof of concept. I'll setup a zone for a Nagios-demo server. Probably systems won't want to deploy OpenSolaris in production, since they're more comfortable on Linux, but it will be easy to migrate the Nagios config files to a Linux box once the prototype is setup the way we want it.

I'm waiting to hear back from Tuskegee's library on when they want me to visit to help setup a DSpace repository server. We finally decided to just install DSpace directly onto their Windows Server 2008 box. Microsoft's licensing would tie us into knots if we try to build a Windows-based VM at Auburn, then deliver it to Tuskegee. Too bad - that would have been cool.

The Extensible Catalog guy wrote me back today. It looks like XC is focussed on their middleware development plan. I don't think Auburn should invest in XC at this point - it's not clear to me where we would use it unless we enhance our Vufind backend, and the XC guy didn't seem interested in that idea at all.

Speaking of vufind - I'm copying the devcat Solr index to repo to run a test where devcat's Vufind install uses a repo-hosted Solr backend. The repo server has a ton of memory, and Solr will run directly on physical disk rather than virtual-machine emulated disk. I'm curious if we'll see any performance boost.

Finally, I have a backlog of updates to AuCataloging code. I want to update the UI for etd2marc and etd2proquest, bump the AuCataloging webapp up to Java EE 6 JSF with Facelets on glassfish v3 (we currently run glassfish v2), migrate the click-counter and cat-request web services to use a littleware node-database backend, and extend the Voyager-to-Vufind tool to become a general Import-to-Vufind tool with support for OAI-harvest and XSL transform to Solr.

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